You’re a normal kid in a normal town, until things change. Until the strangeness sets in.
ReMemorex is a tabletop roleplaying game of suburban 80’s horror. Experience late-cold war-era fears as evoked by greats like Spielberg, Carpenter, King, and the Duffer Bros. Relive the existential dread of a latch-key generation with this fun new game by Nerdy City and Eschaton Media. ReMemorex uses six-sided dice, paper and pencils to re-create the feel of the trope-heavy earnestness of VHS cinema, in a collaborative storytelling experience set in the suburban streets and cul-de-sacs of 1980s America. You and your friends will all build your story together. Sometimes, through the magic of an effect known as a Tracking Error, you might find you have the most power when your character isn’t even present.
This book is a narrative-driven storytelling game designed to evoke the warm memories of a lost genre of adventure. The VHS era brought with it a certain specific type of hero: kids with nothing but the power of heart and the help of their friends. The genre is nostalgia, from Trapper Keepers to MTV to Mr. T. ReMemorex is about telling stories in an America where cynicism hadn’t yet eclipsed fantasy. The children of the Eighties played outside and pretended to be robots, ponies or soldiers. The floor was always lava. They were often left to their own devices and sometimes, just sometimes, they found monsters in the sewers.
You’ll start in the fictional town of Clearfield, Delaware, a town of station wagons and treehouses and bikes in the woods. It’s a town where a generation dreams in neon and chrome, but gets up every morning to learn social studies and races home to watch cartoons with sugary cereal. Everything is fine...until the Strangeling comes. You might be a brain, an athlete, a princess, a criminal or a basket case, but you’re still a regular kid attending school. You have normal problems: avoiding bullies and collecting stickers or GI Joe guys, or hanging out at the mall and making sure the right person asks you to the homecoming dance. Then something strange comes into your normal suburban life, something weird, something Other, that forces you to do things you didn’t think you could do. You rise to the challenge of saving the newcomer who has come to you, a normal suburban kid, for salvation. Your journey begins here. Welcome to ReMemorex.