Small World of Warcraft

Sale price$59.99


Small World® of Warcraft® is a board game combining the Small World game mechanics with Blizzard’s celebrated Warcraft universe. In Small World of Warcraft, players choose combinations of special powers and races from the Warcraft universe, such as Portal Mage Pandarens or Herbalist Goblins, and vie for control of Azeroth. To help them achieve dominance, players will occupy legendary terrains and seek control of powerful artifacts. However, all empires must eventually fall, so players will need to be ready to put an overextended race into a state of “decline” and lead a new one to rule Azeroth.

6 double-sided boards
16 Warcraft Race banners
182 Matching Race tokens
5 Murloc tokens
20 Unique Special Power badges
5 Player Summary Sheets
12 Artifact and Legendary place markers
10 Mountains
9 Wisp Walls
4 Harmony tokens
12 Bombs
1 Champion
10 Forts
2 Military Objectives
5 Beasts
6 Watch Towers
110 Victory coins
1 Custom Reinforcement die
1 Game turn track
1 Game turn marker
1 rulebook
1 Team Variant Rules sheet

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