Amidst the glimmer of neon lights, technological advancement causes humans to be consumed by commercial convenience. In the shadows, a war between the Yatagarasu and the Phantom Society is brewing, Devil Summoners who harness the otherworldly powers of Demons. Existing in the secret sea of humanitys data, a digital hivemind has evolved into sentience: Aion. Observing humankind from afar, Aion calculates that a world-ending disaster is imminent and creates two agents to combat against it: Ringo and Figue. Together, these agents of Aion must investigate and prevent a butterfly effect that will lead to the end of the world.
Investigate the end of the world as Ringo, an agent of Aion tasked with saving humanity from an apocalypse
Explore a supernatural RPG with stylish summoners and dark dangers lurking under the neon lights of a cyberpunk Japan
Amass demons and unlock fusion combinations to create new, stronger demon allies, using their lethal abilities for incredible assaults on your foes
Strengthen the bonds with your teammates and dive deeper into their soul, reliving their last adventures and discovering the truth of their stories and yours